Come and See Weekend Held April 19th-21st
The rescheduled “Come and See Weekend” of April 19-21, 2024, at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh was a great success. There was a total of fifteen men who attended as part of their journey of discernment of the vocation of the priesthood in their lives. All four Ruthenian (arch)eparchies of Pittsburgh, Passaic, Parma, and Phoenix, as well as the Melkite eparchy of Newton, Massachusetts and the Romanian eparchy of Canton, Ohio, were represented. A very enrichening time of prayer, discernment, education, and fellowship was enjoyed by attendees, seminarians, and priests alike, with conferences being offered on the theology of the priesthood, the four dimensions of priestly formation, and for those discerning the celibate priesthood or the married priesthood. For those interested, please keep in mind that the regularly scheduled Come and See Weekend returns on November 8-10, 2024. More information will follow.