Your contributions have helped us complete these much needed projects:
New Library Computers
Bell Repair
In 2013, brass bells weighing over 2 tons were sitting on lumber under the signature dome on the Byzantine Catholic Seminary campus. For the first time in many years, the bells were silent. Until the onion dome was repaired in 2012, water leaked continuously onto the supporting structures for the bells. This water damage caused significant harm to the structures and also, after many years of use, the bell clappers were also worn down.
The three bells under the dome are named Daniel, Michael and John to honor their consecrators, Bishop Daniel Ivancho, Bishop Michael Dudick and Very Rev. John K. Powell. Our seminarians, other students, faculty, staff, and neighbors know well the sounds of these bells pealing. Unfortunately, because of the damage inside the dome, the bells were silent for nearly two years.
However, we are happy to share that the tower and the bells are back in working order. Steel beams holding the bells which were rusting have now been repaired. I-beams supporting the bells have been repaired and repainted. Brick and mortar which was chipping away and falling into the gears of the bells have been fixed through the hard work of scraping and re-painting. Mortar joints have been repaired and bricks have been replaced. And the entire inside of the bell tower has been coated and sealed to protect the bells.
All of this work could only have been finished with our donors’ help. It is because of their generosity that we are able to restore these bells to their original state. Thanks to our supporters, we are able to welcome our new students this fall with the sound of bells coming from beneath the dome.
Roof Repair
In 2012, our Seminary had an aging roof and was in desperate need of repair. We experienced leaks coming through a stairwell and cracks in the plaster in a number of rooms. After a thorough review by a roofing professional, the cause of these problems was a damaged, old roof. Thank to generous donations, we were able to repair the roof and provide our students and resident staff a safe, comfortable place, the comfort no longer jeopardized by this unfortunate situation.