Intellectual Aspirancy Benchmarks

Aspirancy Benchmarks to be Reached before Configuration Stage – Intellectual:
  • Completion of Bachelor’s degree
  • Facility with the spoken and written English language
  • Ability to “easily discern truth and falsehood with a sharp intellectual discretion” (Canon 349)
  • Catechized according to the Byzantine tradition, including the study of Christ, Our Pascha
  • Introduction into Vocal Technique as it pertains to liturgical chant
  • Liturgical competency in areas of responsibility for those in minor orders
  • Completion of philosophical and introductory curriculum with a view to the Byzantine Christian tradition (for discipleship stage), i.e.

Sources from Antiquity [History of Philosophy] (2 semesters)

Introduction to Church History (1 semesters)

Catechetics (1 semester)

Greek (2 semesters)

Introduction to Music [Music Theory] (1 semester)

Logic (1 semester)

Epistemology (1 semester)

Ethics (1 semester)

Metaphysics (1 semester)

Natural Theology (1 semester)

Anthropology (1 semester)

Cosmology [Aristotelean Physics] (1 semester).

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