Discernment And Formation
Community of Priestly Formation
According to the Archeparchial Vocations Office, an individual does not choose to serve Christ, but rather is chosen by Him specifically for his service. The mission of the vocation director’s office is to invite and assist the faithful in discerning their call to discipleship as well as implementing vocation-seeking protocols as recommended by the Vocations Committee. Therefore, once an individual feels a call to vocation (presbyterate, diaconate, consecrated life), the first step is to speak with the parish priest as well as the vocation director whose task it
will be to ultimately recommend individuals for formation.
The Byzantine Catholic Seminary welcomes prospective seminarians that have been accepted as candidates in formation by their respective eparchies to apply for admission. Applicants who do not possess the proper background to begin theological studies according to the norms laid down by the Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition, 2022) may be admitted as Pre-Theologians, as determined by the Admissions Committee.
Applicants who have previously attended another seminary will be considered for admission only after consultation with that seminary and with the sponsoring eparchy. The Admissions Committee will consider each case on its own merits. Ordinarily, transfer students will be expected to participate in the formation program of the Byzantine Catholic Seminary for at least two full years before the seminary will make a recommendation for ordination to the sponsoring eparchy.
All seminarians must conform to the accepted moral and academic standards as outlined in the Seminary Honor Code. The seminary reserves the right to dismiss any student who does not demonstrate a way of life consistent with the expectations for an ordained minister of the Church.