Fr. Jason and Presbytera Halyna Charron Seminar

Seminar Series

Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 7:00-8:30 PM

Presenters: Fr. Jason and Presbytera Halyna Charron

Topic: Insights on Married Priesthood

Synopsis: Balancing their domestic vocation as a married couple raising a houseful of daughters with their vocation as workers in Christ’s vineyard has produced many experiences over the past decade.  During this talk those gathered will hear practical and theoretical insights that will help them prepare for an abundant life as priest/presbytera in their given parishes.  What to do if your three-year old daughter walks through the Holy Doors during Liturgy to be with daddy? How to respond when your 18-month old pulls the fire alarm in a packed church?  Should the priest’s kids be given different treatment? Does marital love detract from priestly service? When two duties conflict, is there a roadmap to follow in making good choices? This talk aims to address these questions and more.

Question and Answer session included.
Program concludes by 8:30 PM.

Location:    Byzantine Catholic Seminary, 3605 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15214

R.S.V.P.: By September 25 at or 412-321-8383

Rev. Fr. Jason Charron is Pastor at Holy Trinity, Carnegie, PA and Administrator at St. Mary’s, Wheeling, WV, in the Eparchy of St. Josaphat.  He is married to Halyna Charron, and they have been blessed with six daughters. His graduate thesis from the Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky Institute addressed the topic of: “Akedia and its Therapy in the Writings of Fathers.”  His academic and spiritual formation was at Wadhams Hall Seminary College, (Ogdensburg, NY) and Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary, (Ottawa, Canada) where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Honor’s Double Major in Philosophy/Religious Studies, an STB from St. Paul’s University, Ottawa and M.A. University of Ottawa, respectively. His Bachelor’s Arts in Education was earned at Univesity of Toronto in 2008. He has worked in Education at various levels from elementary to post-secondary settings, having taught First Nations students on an Indian reserve in upstate NY, high school Theology in his native Canada and ESL to university students in Ukraine, where he lived from 1999-2002.  He has been active in the Pro-Life movement for 25 years and, since his ordination in 2008, has been involved as retreat master for various groups.  Outside of his parish ministry, he ministers as needed to the imprisoned at Allegheny County Jail.

Halyna Charron (Vykhnevych) was born in Sosnivka, Ukraine in 1979. After high school she entered the Lviv Theological Academy, now the Ukrainian Catholic University, and earned her Master’s in Theology. Her thesis work was an examination of Laborem Exercens with an original translation from the Latin into Ukrainian. Her vocation as wife and mother and dobrodyka (presbytera) has impacted the lives of the many young women she has met in her time at parishes in Raleigh, NC, Walkerton, Ontario and Carnegie, PA. Her joy and enthusiasm in organizing mother’s groups, children’s play groups, beginning choirs, teaching others pysanky painting and church socials have drawn numerous young women and their families closer to the Church.
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