March for Life 2018

By Seminarian Eugene Yeo (Pittsburgh)

Every year, a population larger than the majority of our state capitals descends on the streets of Washington, marching from the Washington Monument to the Supreme Courthouse. The main cause is well known: an end to abortion and an end to the funding of agencies and companies which profit from this. Along with this, groups march for an end to euthanasia, the death penalty, human trafficking and other causes which violate the dignity of the human person.

I attended this year with three of my fellow seminarians, joined by Bishop Milan Lach of the Eparchy of Parma and Bishop Kurt Burnette of the Eparchy of Passaic and the young men and women of Eastern Catholic March for Life. In turn, we were joined by friars, monks, nuns, Orthodox clergy, Muslims, Jews, and at least one banner which read “Secular Pro-Life.” I was delighted to find that the crowd was dominated by young people rallying behind banners proclaiming them to be students at Catholic high schools and universities. At the end of the march many of us, friends, family, shepherds, sheep, brothers and sisters in Christ, gathered across from the steps of the Supreme Court building to pray the Akathist.


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