Sixteen young men from across the country representing Ruthenian and Ukrainian Byzantine jurisdictions gathered at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as its seminarians hosted their annual “Come and See” Weekend of Discovery.
Invited to this retreat were men, ages 18 to 35, single or married, who are considering a vocation to the priesthood in the Byzantine Catholic Church. The atmosphere throughout the weekend was prayerful, positive, and fraternal.
The retreat afforded young men considering a vocation to the priesthood to connect and be together. It included sharing liturgical services and meals with the Seminary community, an introduction to the Seminary formation program, a tour of the Seminary, gatherings with the seminarians, individual mentoring, talks, a panel discussion, and visits to the parishes where seminarians serve on Sunday. An ice cream social and evening recreation contributed to the friendly atmosphere. Added to this year’s program was a presentation by a married priest. One of the participants, Michael Huddas of the Eparchy of Parma (Ruthenian) noted that this talk “was extremely helpful to me because I myself am married. They stressed that without the love, support, and sacrifice of their wives they would not be able to follow their vocation in the Seminary. So not only does the seminarian have a vocation but so does the wife as two became one flesh.”