Welcome Aboard! – B.C.S. welcomes new board, faculty, and staff members

The Byzantine Catholic Seminary’s 2020-2021 year is in full swing with 11 of our 12 seminarians living and taking courses on campus.  One seminarian lives at home only miles from the Seminary.  25 students are currently enrolled in our Master of Arts in Theology program, all of whom are taking their courses online.  Even our seminarians participate online in those courses taught by non-resident faculty.

Staff, faculty, and strategic planning meetings are being conducted both online and in-person. Board of Directors meetings are being conducted online.

Cooperation, patience, and understanding are the hallmarks of our board, staff, and faculty members as well as of our students as everybody adjusts to Seminary life in the time of COVID-19.

Amid the ever-changing landscape of Seminary formation, B.C.S. has been blessed to add two members to its Board of Directors, one new faculty member, and a new development consultant.

Two educators have been added to the ranks of the Seminary’s 12-member Board of Directors.   Archbishop William has appointed Andrew J. Pushchak, EdD, the Program Head and Professor of Educational Leadership at Edinboro University near Erie, Pennsylvania.  Andy was part of the Seminary’s first self-study for accreditation.

The Rev. Deacon Thomas P. Shubeck, PhD has also been recently appointed by the Metropolitan.  He is Director of Psychological Services at the College Seminary at St. Andrew’s Hall and Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary, both at Seton Hall University in South Orange New Jersey.  Deacon Tom completed the Seminary’s Diaconate Studies certificate program in 2015 and has since been ordained to the Diaconate for the Eparchy of Passaic.

Also from the Eparchy of Passaic is the newest member of our Seminary’s Scripture Department.  Fr. Hryhoriy Lozinskyy is dignus doctorate having, this past July, defended his doctoral dissertation in Sacred Scripture.  As the Seminary increases its usage of not only asynchronous online course modalities but synchronous as well, Fr. Gregory is able to effectively teach from his parish in Bayonne, New Jersey.

Mr. Drew Keys joins our team as our Development Consultant.  He brings to our development office his 25 years of experience in development, community affairs, and administrative leadership in both higher education and healthcare.

While our Financial Loan Consultant, Stacey Williard, has been part of our team for years, she was recently named the new dean of administration at our neighboring Trinity School for Ministry.  We are blessed by her knowledge and willingness to assist our students in their various financial situations, and are grateful that our friends at Trinity are willing to share Stacey’s gifts with us.

Finally, we note that our psychological consultant, Dr. Anthony Isacco, is currently featured in our website’s “staff spotlight” (www.bcs.edu).  You may wish to check out his link which features not only his background but video content on grief, resilience, and mental health resources in this time of COVID-19.

We thank God that the talents of these fine individuals, along with those of all our board, staff, and faculty members, can contribute to B.C.S. being the fine formative institution and national treasure it is today.

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